Monday, 16 December 2013

Famous Five fight dementia

Not an original headline – but a good one!!

 The Sunday Times tells us that until we know any different the best strategy for keeping Alzheimer’s at bay is to stick to the Famous Five –

·         Stop smoking

·         Keep alcohol intake down

·         Eat healthily

·         Exercise

·         Use your brain
Not rocket science and to be fair, its what we bang on about all the time!

So come on – get into the gym, check your diet (ask any of us in a Forefront Fitness gym – we can give you pointers in the right direction) and just keeping learning!

You can do this!!

Come along and find out how with us!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Do you ever worry about developing dementia? 
Worried that your brain may become incapable of doing what you need it to do? 
Worried that even the simplest task will be beyond you? 
As we live longer there are more of us living with dementia.  There have been a variety of drugs that have tried to help – but reports show that there has been limited success with this – but what we do know is that what is good for your heart is good for your brain – and yes … you’ve got it – regular exercise can help to reduce the risk. 
 The recommendation is 30 minutes of brisk (get your heart beat up) exercise 5 times a week.  Combine this with healthy eating so that your weight falls within acceptable limits and you increase your chance of keeping your mind clear.  Of course, ‘use it or lose it’ is equally powerful for brain tissues – so that daily crossword is not a waste of time – and why not stretch yourself with a bit of serious reading?