Would you like to help your brain, slow down the decaying process, prevent dementia?
Latest research in today’s Times tells us that exercise such as brisk walking, can help to fight off degenerative disease – there is even some evidence to show that exercise can help with regeneration of damaged areas.
We know that the aging process is likely to be slower if we keep our minds active (yes, the crossword again!) and if we keep our weight under control. The news that exercise can even repair some of the damage done is really good to hear.
So, eating well, not smoking and only drinking in moderation, combined with brain activity and a bit of serious exercise and we have a good chance of holding on to all our marbles for a bit longer? Add in a good healthy diet and we are on a winner.
Dig out those trainers and if its just too awful outside for a walk – pop into the gym. Easy to do a quick workout and just think of all the benefits!