Want to hear about my latest obsession?
Those who know me well will know that I am inclined to get
easily obsessed about things. I will avidly drink water (that one is one
I have stuck with) – anyone remember the ‘porridge from scratch’ that I brought
in to work for my breakfast – fifty shades of wall paper paste once it got cold
– yeuck! Casting further back there was the very tight gym trousers
‘guaranteed to make you sweat’. They soon went – you try working out in a
wet suit!
Well, my latest is a pedometer. This isn’t new – I’ve
had one before. The government recommendations are 10,000 steps a day.
So, first job was to find a decent pedometer that didn’t cost the earth.
I know you can get various fancy ones linked to your computer, but I wanted an
easy one that just counted steps. I emailed a company and they have been
fab. They sent me 5 to try and the best so far is the one that I have
been using. It was really easy to set up, it counts steps, distance and
calories and tells the time. Very unobtrusive – just clip onto your belt or
slip into your pocket
There’s your challenge. Now I think I am lucky to have
an active job. I was amazed about how few steps I do unless I make an
effort. I walk to work (OK, its not far!) and then I walk on the treadmill.
I consciously walk more and sit less. Most days I can now get close to
10,000 but if you catch me anxiously pacing around, late at night, you will
know why. I will let you know what benefits its having – but I know that
keeping active is bound to burn calories and keep my joints mobile.
And great news is that the company have 15 ex demo – fully
packaged and guaranteed for just £25 – that’s a £10 saving. Let me know
and I’ll get them ordered. A quick and easy way to increase your activity
and get your fitness levels up – who knows, you too might become obsessed!