Monday, 23 February 2015


OK all you ‘snackers’ out there – here’s an idea.
I could live off snacks, I like nothing better than to graze throughout the day – now before you all tell me that its wrong – I know, so I make a big effort not to do that. However, every now and again I fancy a little something. Well, its Lent so its no chocolate for me.
I have found a great, healthy snack. (Yes, my latest craze before anyone says!) Apple crisps. Homemade apple crisps. Easy – get Bramley apples and slice into very thin rounds. Place on a baking tray lined with baking parchment and dust with cinnamon. Bake until a little crispy and dry, turn over and dry out the other side. Allow to cool and store in an air tight box.
Very tasty, very virtuous and part of your 5 a day – what’s not to like?!

Friday, 6 February 2015

Go to work on an egg

OK, so you’re not all old enough to remember the  ‘go to work on an egg’ campaign – but its still a good idea.
The humble egg has gained and lost popularity over the years.  Apparently in the 60’s the average egg consumption was 5 per person every week.  So much was popular then – flower power, op art, - I could go on.  When postage stamps cost less than the card you are sending and petrol came in gallons.  Shall I go on; I know – its boring!

Then, eggs were deemed to be ‘good for you’. However, along comes cholesterol and salmonella and eggs are definitely   ‘off’.  Edwina Currie springs to mind.
But its OK – they are back on the menu now.  Your cholesterol levels are, in part, governed by the amount of fat you eat, not the amount of cholesterol.   Hens are now immunised against salmonella. 

Eggs are protein rich, have a third of your Vit D RDA and only 66 calories in a medium egg. What’s not to like?  Very versatile so you should never get bored with them.  Cooked eggs are easier than raw eggs to digest and yield more protein than raw eggs.  So, get scrambling, poaching and boiling.  Easy, quick and cheap – you can’t ask for more.

Monday, 2 February 2015

My latest obsesion - a pedometer!

Want to hear about my latest obsession?

Those who know me well will know that I am inclined to get easily obsessed about things.  I will avidly drink water (that one is one I have stuck with) – anyone remember the ‘porridge from scratch’ that I brought in to work for my breakfast – fifty shades of wall paper paste once it got cold – yeuck!  Casting further back there was the very tight gym trousers ‘guaranteed to make you sweat’.  They soon went – you try working out in a wet suit!

Well, my latest is a pedometer.  This isn’t new – I’ve had one before.  The government recommendations are 10,000 steps a day. So, first job was to find a decent pedometer that didn’t cost the earth.  I know you can get various fancy ones linked to your computer, but I wanted an easy one that just counted steps.  I emailed a company and they have been fab.  They sent me 5 to try and the best so far is the one that I have been using.  It was really easy to set up, it counts steps, distance and calories and tells the time. Very unobtrusive – just clip onto your belt or slip into your pocket

There’s your challenge.  Now I think I am lucky to have an active job.  I was amazed about how few steps I do unless I make an effort.  I walk to work (OK, its not far!) and then I walk on the treadmill.  I consciously walk more and sit less.  Most days I can now get close to 10,000 but if you catch me anxiously pacing around, late at night, you will know why.  I will let you know what benefits its having – but I know that keeping active is bound to burn calories and keep my joints mobile. 

And great news is that the company have 15 ex demo – fully packaged and guaranteed for just £25 – that’s a £10 saving.  Let me know and I’ll get them ordered.  A quick and easy way to increase your activity and get your fitness levels up – who knows, you too might become obsessed!