Wednesday, 5 August 2020

How is your mental health?

Mental wellbeing (according to the Mental Health Foundation is;
The sense of feeling good about ourselves and being able to function well individually or in relationships
The ability to deal with the ups and downs of life, such as coping with challenges and making the most of opportunities

The feeling of connection to our community and surroundings

Having control and freedom over our lives

Having a sense of purpose and feeling valued

The last few months have been, we think you will all agree, testing.  Most people have had times when they have felt very anxious and because we weren’t able to do some of the things we usually do to cope – we have struggled to get through.  

At Forefront Fitness we know this – we know that we haven’t all felt good about ourselves and that we haven’t always functioned well.  We know that things we might have usually dealt with easily have been a real challenge and that our sense of community has been tested.  One of the most difficult things has been the lack of control over our lives and often not much idea of purpose to each day.  

Now is your chance to get back on track.  We know, for sure, that exercise helps to improve mental health.  Its been proven time after time.  Many studies show how exercise helps with mood and a sense of wellbeing.  

Coming back to the gym will help more than just your body – getting your heart rate up will release those endorphins – you’ll feel better when you’re doing it and for hours afterwards.  Do it regularly (exercise that is) and not only will your body thank you – so will your mind.  Now is the time to take charge of your life again.  

Pop in – we will be delighted to see you and to show you how the gym is a safe place to exercise.