Thursday, 24 September 2020

Helping to stop the spread of Coronavirus

To help stop the spread of Coronavirus, we are required by law to display a QR Code at the entrance to the gym. 

We ask that where possible you scan the code using the NHS COVID-19 App. There are 3 copies of the QR code displayed around the gym, so you won't have to queue. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Everything in moderation

 I can almost guarantee that if you are told not to eat ice cream ever again (or whatever your favourite snack might be) then you will crave it and think about it at least 10 times a day.  But if you are told ‘eat some ice cream – but not the whole tub and not every day’ then there is a much better chance that you will limit your intake.  

If you go to the gym every single day and work out like crazy for a couple of hours – then you will get injured and burnt out.  Go every other day and don’t work out for more than an hour and you will get results and won’t be so exhausted that you can barely move.  

It’s really important to find a regime that works for you.  One that gets results but doesn’t make you feel like you are being punished.  ‘Everything in moderation’ is a good mantra. 

• Have a glass of wine – but one glass a couple of times a week

• Eat some chocolate – a couple of squares – not the whole bar

• Grab a bag of crisps – a treat, once a week

• Go for a run / bike ride / swim but it doesn’t have to be a PB – aim to enjoy it 

• Workout in the gym – but don’t aim to do every exercise you have ever thought of every time with the biggest weight you can manage

Do the best you can but live life to the full – being healthy is what keeps us going.  And keeping going is worth celebrating with a treat now and again ! 

Monday, 7 September 2020

What happens if you don’t keep moving?

 ‘Use it or lose it’?   I’m sure you have heard that many times.  But it’s true – if you don’t keep moving it will get harder to move.  

Muscles need to move – and if you sit about all day then things start to go wrong;

1. Your legs and glutes (muscles in your bum) get weak (atrophy)  if you sit all day – leading to lack of stability and risk of falling

2. You gain weight – when you move your muscles release molecules that help to process the fat and sugars that you eat – in the absence of these then the weight creeps up

3. Your hip flexors shorten and your hips and back get tight (and sore) 

4. Your mental health can suffer

5. Your heart muscles don’t like you being sedentary so your risk of heart disease increases – as does your risk of DVT (blood clots), strokes, varicose veins and diabetes 

You know that when you come to the gym and do an effective workout you build muscle.  Research has shown that it is possible to build muscle into a grand old age – so it’s never too late.

Don’t lose muscle – you need it to support your joints – the bone might wear a bit thin – but good strong muscles will keep supporting those joints into old age.  

Don’t lose your strength – get up, get moving and get to the gym!