Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What to eat?

First it was fats and now it's sugar. One thing after another that we are told to avoid. But really it's quite simple, take in the amount of calories that your body needs for the activity that its doing.  Of course, not all calories are equal and if you live off Mars bars you will oscillate from a sugary high to a sleep inducing low. Your skin won't take too kindly to that sort of food intake either!  But sometimes I think we get a bit caught up in 'shoulds' & 'oughts' . By forbidding ourselves some things we can easily crave it and feel very deprived.

When thinking what to eat, think unprocessed, think raw.  The less the food you eat has been treated then the easier it is for you to eat just what you need. And that's a big factor too, you may well have been taught to eat everything on your plate but do you need it? Remember that it is just as wasted in your tummy if you've had enough as it is in the bin. A tip for you, eat mindfully, concentrate on your food ( not the TV or the newspaper !) and eat slowly.  You may well find that this helps you to stop eating sooner as your head can register what's in your tummy!

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