Do you sometimes struggle to keep to your resolve to eat
healthily? Does it all sometimes seem
like too much effort? Here are a few
tips to help you – hopefully one or two might be just the idea you are looking
Eat mindfully
Think about what you are eating and how you are eating it! Avoid
just shovelling it in while you watch TV or read. Think about the texture and the taste and
really enjoy the food. And don’t forget
to chew it, not just bolt it down quickly so you can get on to the next job.
Tell someone that you
are on a healthy eating journey
When the going gets tough and you just want to eat ice cream
and chocolate its great if someone else knows and can support you. Maybe you just need a reminder or a bit of
reassurance. But knowing that someone
cares if you keep going at it or not makes a big difference
You are you – you
don’t need to compare yourself to others
Don’t beat yourself up because someone else is thinner than
you or loses weight more quickly – this is your journey. Do your best, if you slip, don’t worry – just
get back up and start again. We all have
our own unique make up and you will get to where you want to be if you persevere.
Listen to your body –
are you really hungry?
Listen hard an learn about what your body really wants – is
it just a craving because you are bored or fed up – or are you actually hungry
for (proper) food?
Plan your treats
If you are going to have a treat – plan it in – don’t make
it a great catastrophe because everything is awful (or you have forgotten your
lunch) – have ‘a little something’ but not a great bag full !
Use an app
Track your food – right it down on a handy app (such as
myfitnesspal) – you might be very surprised to see what is happening?
Distract yourself
The next time you reach for something that isn’t on your
‘healthy eating list’ – distract yourself – go for a walk, make a phone call,
read a book , have a bath.
Try these – let us
know how you get on – and if you need more help – give us a ring – this is what
we specialise in!
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