Thursday, 28 July 2016

Update on Leslie

Leslie has had a great week –she (pictured here with her twin sister) has been to the UK blessing of the marriage of her son Tom to Miho.  Tom & Miho got married in Japan last year.

The weddings have taken a lot of Leslie’s time and focus so now, she says, its time to get back on plan

Her plan this week is really simple;
  • Healthy, local food
  • Fresh air
  • Exercise
We can all do this – its not complicated!  The tricky bit is staying focussed and doing what you say you are going to do.

If you see Leslie in the gym – please tell her you are gunning for her (and then ask to see some fantastic wedding photos)!


Friday, 8 July 2016

July Newsletter

Welcome to your July Newsletter, containing the latest news from Forefront Fitness
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July Newsletter
Steve's Bucket Birthday Bash
2nd July at 7:30pm

We hope to see as many of you as possible at this event. No presents, we are raising money for Hunts Community Cancer Network.
Donations can be made through JustGiving at
Introducing Debbie

I have always had an interest in health and fitness and spent a number
 of years working as a finance manager in gyms and health clubs. I have
always exercised, swimming, aerobics or running. Three years ago I
completed the London Marathon with the support of Marion and Steve to
achieve this particular fitness goal.

I perceived that the benefits I had experienced as part of the process
had improved my life experience so significantly that I wanted to join
the team and support others to be the best they can be.

I qualified as a Personal Trainer and have completed a number of nutritional courses including sports nutrition,  detox and weight management. I am also a
qualified NLP practitioner. The combination of these disciplines as
well as a science background degree in psychology and biology allow me
to support clients with their fitness goals in a complete and holistic

I provide exclusive one to one personal training in clients own
homes as well as within the gyms at Bluntisham and  Willingham. I am
working with Marion to develop a special weight management programme
for Forefront and I am completing training in the Autumn with Les
Mills GRIT HITT training. I would be delighted to discuss your fitness
goals with you and really love working in partnership with clients to
achieve these as part of the Forefront team.
July Gym Challenge

How Long Can You Hold The Crucifix Position For?

Use 2kg - 4kg dumbbells

Compare your time to last years to see how much you
have (hopefully) improved.

Marion is currently trialling a new wearable fitness tracker. It's waterproof to a depth of 2m for 30 minutes and robust enough for your wrist. It has a 3D Sensor, 24-hour time, upgradable firmware, notifications for emails, social media calls and more. This simple yet powerful actvity tracker measures physical activity and calculates energy expenditure in calories, the distance  walked or run and the total active time during each day — it's especially useful as part of an exercise schedule, overall health and wellbeing or weight loss programme - sleep patterns and Custom Trackers are also present so that you can record anything you like with two taps of the touch sensor. It  has several innovative notification features which include: Text, Email, Voice, Calendar, Social Media, and Incoming Phone call; an Inactivity Alarm to alert the wearer by vibration to get up and get moving after a chosen amount of time and programmable Alarm reminders of other routine events during your day.
Initial impressions are great, more news next month.
Exercise Of The Month

Dead Bugs

Lay flat on your back with your hands extended above you toward the ceiling. Bend your knees in 90 degree angle and raise your thighs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Now deeply exhale and embrace your abs to bring your ribcage down and flatten you back onto the floor. To initiate the exercise slowly lower the right arm and the left leg down to the floor simultaneously. Lower them down until just before the lower back starts to rise off the ground (starts to arch). Then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Alternating sides and continue the movement as required.
Recipe Of The Month

Sweet & Sour Salmon

2 good sized salmon filets
Chilli sauce
Light soy sauce
Coconut oil
Root ginger – peeled and sliced
Heat oven
Place salmon on a large square of foil
Put slices of ginger on top of foil
Add drizzle of chilli sauce and teaspoon of honey to each salmon parcel
Add a dollop of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce to each parcel and wrap foil round each piece of salmon
Cook in pre heated oven for about 30 mins or until cooked through – serve and pour sauce over salmon

Struggling to reach your goals?
Need extra motivation?

We now offer 'one-off' PT sessions

Let one of our PTs get you back on track.

Prices start from £35* for a one hour session

* payment must be made at time of booking
Has anything changed since you completed our Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) when you joined? If so please let a member of staff know on your next visit.

If you enjoy what we offer, please leave us your feedback at:

You could win £100 to spend with a great local business just for telling us what you think.