Monday, 22 February 2021

Re-opening 12th April

 As stated in the Prime Minister's press conference today, we hope to be able to reopen on the 12th April.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Lockdown - a time for reflection?

 What has COVID taught you?  Has it been a time to think about what really matters, to evaluate your life and maybe do things differently?

Maybe your definition of ‘enough money’ has changed?  After all – there is not much point having a ton of money and not even being able to go on holiday?  Or maybe you have had thoughts on what you want to do with your life – do you really want to go back to that job once everyone is in the office again?

Whilst you ponder on those big topics – how about doing some work on something that could do with some thought right now – your body?  

We have heard and read, countless times, that people who have other ill - health conditions and / or are overweight do far less well if they get ill.  This is, of course, true of anyone getting COVID but it is also true generally.  The fitter you are the more likely you are to avoid illnesses (because your immune system is working well) and the quicker you are to recover if you do get ill because your body is not trying to deal with the overload and stress that a poor lifestyle places on it.  

So what can you do?

How about:

• A healthy diet – cook from scratch, plenty of fruit and veg, good helpings of protein and complex carbs (so skip the cakes, biscuits, white bread, white rice and white pasta)

• Keep the alcohol down – loads of empty calories and a rather easy habit to slip into just now

• Don’t smoke – just don’t smoke

• Get some sleep – ditch the box set binges and keep to some sort of routine – we are designed to have a rhythm to our days – don’t kick against it

• Drink enough water (check your pee – don’t let it get dark – keep it light) 

• And – of course – get some exercise

I know its cold, dark, wet and slippery but your body will still benefit from getting outside and those steps are important.  

And then – stretch and move your body – make your muscles work.  None of us can get to the gym right now – but you have your body weight.

Go for press ups, planks, squats, lunges.  How about a few mountain climbers, just for fun and there is always burpees.  

If you’re not sure how to build a great little workout – just shout – we will plan one for you.  

Whatever else you decide is important in your life – don’t forget your body – it’s the only one you’ve got.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

February's Home Workout

 We have a new workout for February. Try to complete this in under 40 minutes. For the competitive amongst you, it took me 34:08

A squat shoot is where you perform a squat, touch the ground between your feet  and extend your arms above your head as you push yourself back up. 

Toe taps are where you lie on your back with your legs straight up, and touch your toes with your fingers (or as close as you can get)

Regarding shoulder taps, and mountain climbers, 1 rep counts as 1 for each arm/leg!

Rest as and when necessary, but try to keep it as short as possible.